Friday, March 27, 2009

We interrupt schedualed programming to bring you this important endorsment

Why Vietnamese Sandwiches are the Best Thing Ever
1. Rice flour bread. It's crunchy and light with a soft center... uber-yum factor
2. Shredded pickled carrots. Wow... yummers, on the dente side of aldente, great sweet/sour interplay
3. Pickled onions... same as above, but with oniony goodness
4. Spicy peppers... need I say more? When you've got the acidity from the pickles keepin' the spice on it's toes... and then there's
5. Cilantro. Much maligned, I know, but... just when those peppers are threatening to do in the carrots and just take over, you bite into fresh cilantro and wam! Palate cleansing/cooling grassy interplay with the other three condiments... and we haven't even gotten to the
6. Liver Pate. Yup, that's right. Take liver, cook it up, add some asian shallots, drop it all in a blender with some cream, pulse into mushy. Transfer said mush into a ramekin, chill for 12 hours. Slice, warm up and stuff in to a sandwich. So it plays off of the crunch from the bread, the acidity of the pickles just highlights why liver is soooo good, it coats your mouth with creamy, livery goodness just in time to reduce the duration of the serious hot factor from the peppers. And it reduces the cilantro factor just enough so that even if you don't like cilantro, you'll still love this sandwich.

It's a mouthgasme.

If you've never had one, get one NOW

*We now return to our normal programming*

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