Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Time to go; travel day 1

I think I've discovered the reason that Kelowna sucks you in.
Kelowna does not change.
On the surface it does: new buildings; no Willow; a new bridge, but fundamentally, the town stays exactly the way it always has.. I can't really explain it better than that.

But... I said my goodbyes for the enth time last night, and as I left the bar, the wril of conversation that escaped with me out into the night, sounded exactly like the same conversation I've always heard as I leave... life just... goes on. In Kelowna, it never changes.
I think the heart of the reason that Kelowna sucks so many people in lies in the fact that it really does feel timeless, maybe it's all the old people that go there to hover on the edge of eternity. Or maybe it's like Vegas... you go there to live, but goddamn, you don't want to live there because none of it is real. Nevertheless, there is something fundamentally reassuring about being able to visit somewhere and say to oneself: This will never change.

* * *

The thing I really don't like about flying is waiting: sitting in airports; sitting on the tarmac; line ups for customers, shit like that.
The act of taking an airplane - beyond the fact that it is extraordinarily difficult for someone of my stature to feel comfortable sleeping in a plane - is one that I am completely indifferent to.

3 hours later
That being said, taking a plane full of certain Types of people. You know who I mean. Those idiots with no volume control, who don't shut up, and don't know a damn thing.
This older lady - a resident of SF - was complaining to her seat partner that they are not allowed to exploit all the natural resources in the US, and she thought that it was bad policy... and anyways, it's not like it's going to run out... we've got at least another 300 years worth of oil; and she doesn't like it that the price of a barrel of crude is bottoming out, because that means that they coula actually use it (presumably the Barbarians at the Gates, though I doubt she could have voiced it in so articulate a manner).
What. The. Fuck?
I felt like standing up and yelling accross the 5 isles that seperated us:
"A: the reason you don't exploit your own resources is because you exploit everyone elses, so that when the shit hits the fan, you'll have depleted the whole planet except for your own shit! and B. The only reason you don't care about resource depletion in the first place is because you're old, with no grand kids, and so don't care if they'll be able to live on this planet after you're gone. And C. What. The. Fuck.

Axe that. I don't hate flying. I hate people

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