Friday, April 17, 2009

Resolution dissolution

It happened so quickly. When I was getting redy to leave, I promised myself I wouldn't catch yellow fever.
But there's the Metro.
An incident on the 15th in the Metro (maybe a later post) crippled my resolve. After torture like that it's a miracle that my resolve wasn't hung drawn and quartered. All I needed was one little push and I'd fall of the no-sino-wagon.
I got pushed pretty hard yesterday.
On the Metro.

No physical contact this time, just eye contact. That being said, how many carrots will (unsolicited) stick their tongue out at you?
My game is really rusty at the moment, as yesterday's incident, and a new one today have conclusively proven.
I need to get back on my game.

I need to learn Chinese.

* * *

It occurs to me that the reason I get stared at more than your average foreigner has little to do with my height. And little to do with my delusions-of-Keaton style. It has everything to do with the fact that I have the biggest goddamn nose these people have ever seen.

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